For Noa and Callum, being together is dangerous, even deadly. From the start, sixteen-year-old Noa senses that the mysterious transfer student to her Monterey boarding school is different. Callum unnerves and intrigues her, and even as she...

See Special Price

"The friends, fiends, and foes of the Pathfinder Adventure Path: Shattered Star invade your gaming table with Pathfinder Battles: Shattered Star, the brand new Pathfinder Battles pre-painted miniatures set from Paizo Publishing and WizKids Games!...

See Special Price

For Noa and Callum, being together is dangerous, even deadly. From the start, sixteen-year-old Noa senses that the mysterious transfer student to her Monterey boarding school is different. Callum unnerves and intrigues her, and even as she...

See Special Price